Albino bullywug village

Jan 16, 2023 09:17 AM
Jan 16, 2023
On a shore and few islands in the starless sea there is a group of peaceful yet cut throat bullywugs, in the style of Witchlight.
Village of White Lily.
They fish here. They actually enjoy rust monster meat, and will pay for it.
They also produce fire wine, from fermented cave fisher blood and fire beetle ichor. Sounds gross, but is a hearty, potent, yet deliciously sweet and fruity beverage. The wine also glows red when swirled, and a bottle can be used to produce soft light for a few hours if used sparingly, or burned out in about an. hour of constant swirling.
Bullywug enjoy alcohol, but have very low tolerance, so when alcohol is involved things tend to go short and turn into sleep fests.
Flavor does die out and become less sweet as it reacts. Can still be used as hard liquor or mixed with spices for a fortified fire wine.
They have rich mud that does wonders for skin care. Even as far as granting advantage if paired with other cosmetic efforts.
They also have specialized jumping and crawling martial arts, spears and shields are their traditional weapons, occasionally magical. Their warrior monk caste are known as the Siv. And use saingham as a melee weapon. Butterfly swords. So they specialize in parries, slashing blade walls, and off hand punches. And a weapon that is a like an arrow head on a stick long enough to hold and then pull double handed, it’s originally a fishing implement. Something like a short stabbing harpoon. Some attach ropes or chains to pull their prey.
They are somewhat hostile, but eager to bargain for civilized goods from the surface. Using these is a status symbol.
They don’t betray outside merchants, but are extremely cut throat between themselves ruining each other’s prospects of bargaining.
The bullywug also have giant slugs, they use as burden beasts and for their slime, which is foul tasting (even for bullywug), but it’s known to be a great general medicine and disinfectant.
Frogemoth pet/god in the city.