Neon Cactus, the game
Neon Cactus, the game

Neon Cactus, the game

Jan 13, 2023 10:40 PM
Game Dev
notion image
This first half of the year I want to publish my
Neon Cactus
  • It is a high octane RPG, with the goal of having procedures for Chases that are part of the core mechanics. Combat and most action is intended to happen in movement.
  • Board game like escalation towards a conclusion at the end of a session.
    • in session “progression and change” is high
    • campaign long character growth is more about character development and change, less about power
  • Characters grow in skill, but not in power (hp). Most power increase comes from gear.
  • Ranged weapons go first, then melee weapons. Shooting once you are in melee won’t work.
  • Melee people will try to get into brawl range, so ranged combat is less a risk
  • There are no bonus actions in the game
  • There is bullet time, heroes can use some sort of meta currency to get a free round.
    • If something lucky happens the whole party can get a free round of bullet time.
    • if everyone doubles down on someone’s bullet time, the whole party gets an extra attack
  • Taking damage and landing a crit gives you “rush”
  • In combat you can choose to roll more dice for quick attacks or less for a big attack.
    • One attack deals big damage
    • Small attacks little damage
      • If you get a series, you combo for increasing damage, probably more than a big hit
      • But Some characters focus on massive damage
  • Shields double as clubs
    • Shields can be splintered
  • Every round a player rolls a d6 on a 6 something good happens on a 1 something bad. If neither happens add another d6 to the pool for next round
80s badass combat
Models action heroes from the 80s.
  • Health is measured as taking stress, more stress more likely to collapse, you spend a die from your round pool to counter the stress, or can roll at the end of your turn.
    • means you get one last action before you collapse
    • if your stress is below toughness don’t roll
  • You can counter attack as many opponents as you have reflexes.
    • idea is you can take on gangs of mooks easily, but they may overpower you.
  • There are enemy categories:
    • mooks (no toughness and reflexes, can be one shot)
    • thugs (about equal to a player)
    • bosses (stronger than players, can solo a party)
  • When someone attacks it’s an opposed roll. The higher one wins. Well you invest from your pull, defender rolls. Players however might choose to spend from pool instead of rolling (play it safe).
  • The game has no modifers to rolls, no math!
  • Crits… what do crits do? always succeed in attacks (attacker has the benefit as defense is already strong).
  • Pump yourself up to get extra dice
  • Every max roll means you lose a die (getting spent)
  • my basic system is super simple. Almost anything that would require a roll, can be instead solved with an item. Either as an auto success, or as advantage.
    • That rule alone makes players look at their inventory to solve problems, and to pick up and carry generally interesting gear.
  • Initiative, order of reaction stat. enemies don’t roll, players don’t roll by default, but can spend from pool to go sooner than usual
  • Spending a die that has a 6 on it consumes the die.
  • Boss monsters and character have actions that consume one or more dice.
  • Characters start with a signature move.
  • Bosses have a signature move, a movement action, and a special breaker/resistance move
    • Using these consumes the dice. Most are affected by the faces total of the dice
    • Some cool bosses have snake eyes or double six special abilities.
  • When pumping up. Whoever takes the first step kicks things off.
  • Roller skates 🛼 
  • Crushing a can
  • Declaring a duel (mini combat)
  • Sudden arrival of enemy
  • Giving your introduction
    • Intermezzo, re intro
    • Re-center the duel
    • Brush off the dust
    • Spit the tooth out
      • Active revenge mode
    • Make a humiliating remark
    • Make a bug reveal, some sort of dark secret that will rebase things
    • Make an awesome threat
    • Give a pep talk
    • Stare down
    • Dodge by having something break in your place
    • Suit up, tie your shoe laces
    • capture a bullet with your teeth
    • weapon stuck
    • Strike a cool pose after defeating an enemy
    • Eat chewing gum
    • Adjust your glasses
    • Do something despicable
    • Duo-full sync
    • Stare down/in the eye
    • Stats
      • Guts
      • Heart
      • Smarts
      • Will
      • Balls
      • Hair
      • Style
      • Cockiness
    • Backgrounds
      • out of prison, make my own rules
      • veteran
      • love interest kidnapped
      • family dead
      • vigilante
      • bad cop
    • Mano a mano, fist to fist
    • Skills Driving, Mechanics, Brawl, Guns
    • stats, Cool, Brawn, Brains, Glam
    • Rolls for things that are not automatic are called feats. This implies it’s epic.
      • So after crushing the can, you have advantage on your next feat of strength.
    • Airing of grievances… festivus… something about letting it all out to recenter
  • Social Face downs
  • pulp hero revivals at end of scenes
  • Badass points → Hero coin, Luck
  • between session tables return line break such as you have retired you became a mechanic you have fallen into alcoholism you have taken to live on a beach you have become a criminal escaping from the law you have becomeYou have been hired by the government you have become a member of special forces you have fallen to a life of crime you have started a family you have fallen in love and had your heart break you have picked up a new profession such as cooking you have picked up martial arts or military training
  • each adventure is a cinematic one shot.
  • roll on what happened between adventures you gain or improve a skill and take on a setback the setback is something you likely would want to overcome in the session
  • otherwise the setback is cleared at the end of the session.
  • Bravado roll
  • Badass roll
  • Vice roll