Possum folk

Dec 11, 2022 06:17 AM
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The possum folk of the desert are a hardy and resourceful species, adapted to the harsh conditions of Aridus. They are a small, humanoid race with furry, prehensile tails and sharp, pointed teeth. They are known for their agility and cunning, and they are skilled hunters and scavengers.
The possum folk live in small, nomadic communities, traveling across the desert on the backs of their camel mounts. They are closely bonded with their camels, and they rely on these hardy animals for transportation, protection, and even companionship.
The possum folk are a fiercely independent and self-sufficient species. They are skilled at finding food and water in even the most inhospitable environments, and they are known for their resourcefulness and ingenuity. They are also skilled at using the advanced technologies that they have developed, such as solar panels and communication systems.
Despite their small size and seemingly fragile appearance, the possum folk are fierce fighters when threatened. They are skilled with a variety of weapons, including knives, spears, and slingshots, and they are not afraid to defend their communities against threats from the desert or from other species.
Overall, the possum folk are a fascinating and unique species, adapted to the harsh conditions of the desert world of Aridus. They are resourceful and resilient, and they have carved out a unique and fascinating culture in the unforgiving desert landscape.
Possum Folk Hunter (CR 1/2) Small humanoid (possum folk), neutral Hit Points: 7 (2d6) Speed: 30 ft., climb 20 ft. Armor Class: 12 STR 10 (+0) DEX 14 (+2) CON 10 (+0) INT 10 (+0) WIS 12 (+1) CHA 8 (-1) Traits: - Prehensile Tail. The possum folk can use its tail to grab onto objects, giving it advantage on Athletics checks made to climb. - Keen Senses. The possum folk has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell. Actions: - Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6+2) piercing damage. - Sling. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4+2) bludgeoning damage. Spells: - 1st level (2 slots): Cure Wounds, Hunter's Mark
Possum Folk Techno Shaman (CR 3) Small humanoid (possum folk), neutral Hit Points: 31 (7d6+7) Speed: 30 ft., climb 20 ft. Armor Class: 11 (dexterity) STR 8 (-1) DEX 14 (+2) CON 12 (+1) INT 14 (+2) WIS 16 (+3) CHA 10 (+0) Traits: - Prehensile Tail. The possum folk can use its tail to grab onto objects, giving it advantage on Athletics checks made to climb. - Keen Senses. The possum folk has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell. Actions: - Staff. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 3 (1d6-1) bludgeoning damage. - Sling. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4+2) bludgeoning damage. Spells: - 1st level (4 slots): Cure Wounds, Detect Magic, Detect Poison and Disease, Thunderwave - 2nd level (3 slots): Heat Metal, Hold Person, Scorching Ray - 3rd level (2 slots): Lightning Bolt, Protection from Energy
possum folk hunt master (CR 4) Hit Points: 38 (7d8+7) Speed: 30 ft., climb 20 ft. Armor Class: 16 (leather armor, shield) Strength: 14 (+2) Dexterity: 16 (+3) Constitution: 12 (+1) Intelligence: 12 (+1) Wisdom: 14 (+2) Charisma: 10 (+0) Possum Folk traits: Prehensile Tail. The possum folk can use its tail to grab onto objects, giving it advantage on Athletics checks made to climb. Keen Senses. The possum folk has advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell. Actions: Shortsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 7 (1d6+3) piercing damage. Sling. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d4+3) bludgeoning damage. Additionally, the possum folk hunt master may have a variety of spells from the ranger spell list, depending on its level. For example, a 4th-level possum folk hunt master might have the following spells: 1st level (4 slots): Cure Wounds, Hunter's Mark, Speak with Animals, Swift Quiver 2nd level (3 slots): Animal Messenger, Pass without Trace, Spike Growth
Story of Jax
The sun was setting on the endless desert of Aridus, casting a warm, golden glow over the dunes. In the distance, a small group of camels and their riders could be seen moving across the sand, their silhouettes silhouetted against the setting sun.
These were the possum folk, a small and agile humanoid species that had adapted to the harsh conditions of Aridus. They were led by a skilled hunt master named Jax, who had been traveling the desert for many years.
Jax was an experienced and capable leader, respected by his people for his wisdom and courage. He was riding on the back of his trusty camel mount, a strong and intelligent beast named Sandstorm.
Together, Jax and Sandstorm led the possum folk across the desert, following the ancient trails that their ancestors had used for generations. They moved quickly and efficiently, using their keen senses and advanced technology to navigate the harsh landscape.
As they traveled, the possum folk were constantly on the lookout for dangers. They knew that the desert was home to many creatures, both friendly and hostile, and they were prepared to defend themselves if necessary.
But despite the challenges, the possum folk and their camels were a resilient and resourceful group. They had adapted to the harsh conditions of Aridus, and they were determined to thrive in the unforgiving desert landscape.
As the sun disappeared below the horizon, Jax and his people set up camp for the night. They tended to their camels, sharing food and water, and preparing for the journey ahead.
The possum folk and their camels were a powerful and respected force on Aridus, feared by their enemies and admired by their allies. Together, they would continue

Jax and Sandstorm had been traveling the desert of Aridus for many days, leading their group of possum folk across the scorching dunes. They had faced many challenges along the way, but they were a skilled and experienced team, and they had always managed to overcome them.
But this time, the challenge was greater than anything they had faced before. A massive sandstorm was approaching, and Jax knew that they would need to act quickly if they wanted to survive.
He gathered his people together and issued orders, directing them to secure their camels and prepare for the storm. Sandstorm stood tall and proud, its powerful muscles rippling beneath its fur. Jax knew that he could rely on his faithful mount to help him get through this ordeal.
As the sandstorm hit, Jax and Sandstorm worked together to guide the possum folk through the swirling, blinding winds. They used their advanced technology to navigate, and their keen senses to avoid dangers.
Despite the raging storm, Jax and Sandstorm remained calm and focused. They used their skills and experience to keep the group safe, and they never faltered.
Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the sandstorm began to subside. Jax and Sandstorm emerged from the storm, battered and exhausted, but victorious. They had led their people through the worst that the desert could throw at them, and they had survived.
From that day forward, Jax and Sandstorm were known as heroes among the possum folk. They had proven themselves to be unstoppable in the face of adversity, and they would

Jax was a young possum folk, born into a small and nomadic community that traveled the desert of Aridus on the backs of their camel mounts. He had always dreamed of becoming a great hunt master, like his father before him.
One day, when Jax was still a young pup, his father took him on a journey to a distant oasis, where they hoped to find new sources of food and water. They traveled for many days, crossing the scorching dunes on their camels.
But on the final day of their journey, disaster struck. A group of sand lions attacked their camp, killing many of the camels and injuring several of the possum folk. Jax's father was killed in the attack, and Jax was left alone and helpless.
He was saved by a young camel, who had been separated from its herd during the attack. The camel was strong and brave, and it fought off the sand lions with its powerful hooves. When the danger had passed, it turned to Jax and nuzzled him gently.
Jax knew that he had found a loyal and courageous companion. He named the camel Sandstorm, and together they set out to find a new home for the possum folk.
Over the years, Jax and Sandstorm became inseparable. They traveled the desert together, facing many challenges and hardships. But they always stuck together, and they always came out on top.
Now, Jax and Sandstorm are the leaders of their people, respected and admired for their bravery and skill. They have proven themselves to be a formidable team, and they will continue to protect and defend their community for as they could

Jax and Sandstorm had been traveling the desert of Aridus for many days, leading their group of possum folk across the scorching dunes. They had faced many challenges along the way, but they were a skilled and experienced team, and they had always managed to overcome them.
But this time, they were not so lucky. As they made their way across a rocky plateau, they were suddenly attacked by a pack of thunder vultures. The vultures were vicious and cunning, and they circled above, waiting for the right moment to strike.
Jax was caught off guard by the attack, and he struggled to defend himself against the powerful birds. But Sandstorm was quick to react. The camel charged forward, using its powerful hooves to fend off the vultures.
Despite its size and strength, Sandstorm was no match for the vultures. They swarmed around the camel, pecking and clawing at its eyes and nose. Jax knew that he needed to act quickly if he wanted to save his loyal mount.
He grabbed his spear and charged into the fray, fighting alongside Sandstorm. Together, they battled the vultures, using their skills and experience to hold them at bay.
After what seemed like an eternity, the vultures finally retreated, defeated by the brave camel and its rider. Jax and Sandstorm were battered and bruised, but they had survived.
From that day forward, Jax and Sandstorm were even closer than before. They had proven their loyalty and courage to each other, and they knew that they could always rely on each other in times of need.

Jax and Sandstorm had been traveling the desert of Aridus for many days, leading their group of possum folk across the scorching dunes. They had faced many challenges along the way, but they were a skilled and experienced team, and they had always managed to overcome them.
One day, as they were making their way across a rocky canyon, they came across a strange sight. A lone possum folk was standing on a cliff, holding a staff topped with a glowing crystal. It was a techno shaman, a powerful and mysterious figure that was rarely seen in the desert.
Jax and Sandstorm approached the techno shaman cautiously. They knew that the shaman was a powerful figure, capable of harnessing the energy of technology and the elements. They were not sure what to expect.
But to their surprise, the shaman greeted them warmly. She introduced herself as Zara, and she explained that she had been traveling the desert for many years, learning the secrets of the land and its inhabitants.
Jax and Sandstorm were fascinated by Zara and her abilities. They listened intently as she told them stories of her travels, and they shared their own experiences as well.
As they talked, Jax realized that he and Zara had a lot in common. They were both leaders of their people, and they both had a deep connection to the desert and its inhabitants.
Jax and Sandstorm decided to invite Zara to join them on their journey. She agreed, and together they set off across the desert, forging a powerful and unlikely alliance.
Together, Jax, Sandstorm, and Zara would face many challenges and hardships. But they knew that they could always rely on each other, and that their bond would be unbreakable.

Jax, Sandstorm, and Zara had been traveling the desert of Aridus for many days, exploring the ancient ruins of the long lost neon city. The city was a treacherous place, filled with hidden dangers and powerful relics.
As they made their way through the ruins, they encountered many obstacles. They had to navigate treacherous ruins, avoid deadly traps, and fight off the hostile creatures that lurked in the shadows.
But despite the challenges, Jax, Sandstorm, and Zara remained determined. They used their skills and knowledge to overcome each obstacle, and they always managed to stay one step ahead of their enemies.
One of the greatest challenges they faced was the city's central tower. It was a massive and imposing structure, filled with powerful artifacts and dangerous guardians. Jax and his companions knew that they would need to be careful if they wanted to survive.
With Zara's help, they managed to navigate their way through the tower, using her powerful magic to disable the traps and defeat the guardians. They fought bravely, never giving up even when the odds seemed impossible.
Finally, they reached the top of the tower. There, they found a powerful artifact, a crystal that was said to hold the key to unlocking the secrets of the neon city. Jax, Sandstorm, and Zara knew that this was a momentous discovery, and they were determined to bring it back to their people.
Together, they fought their way back through the tower, and out of the neon city. They had faced many dangers, but they had emerged victorious. They had proven their courage and skill, and they knew that they could conquer any challenge that the desert of Aridus threw their way.

Jax, Sandstorm, and Zara had been traveling the desert of Aridus for many days, exploring the ruins of the neon city and searching for powerful artifacts and ancient knowledge. They had faced many challenges along the way, but they had always managed to overcome them.
One day, as they were making their way through the ruins, they came across a strange sight. A lone horned lizard folk merchant was standing in the middle of the rubble, surrounded by a collection of exotic goods and trinkets.
Jax, Sandstorm, and Zara approached the merchant cautiously. They knew that the lizard folk were a secretive and insular people, and they were not sure what to expect. But to their surprise, the merchant greeted them warmly.
The merchant introduced himself as Kazim, and he explained that he was a trader and explorer, traveling the desert in search of rare and valuable items. He offered to trade with Jax, Sandstorm, and Zara, and they accepted.
As they traded, Jax, Sandstorm, and Zara learned more about Kazim and his people. They were impressed by his knowledge of the desert and its inhabitants, and they were fascinated by the stories he told of his travels.
Jax, Sandstorm, and Zara decided to invite Kazim to join them on their journey. He agreed, and together they set off across the desert, forging a powerful and unlikely alliance.
Together, Jax, Sandstorm, Zara, and Kazim would face many challenges and hardships. But they knew that they could always rely on each other, and that their bond would be unbreakable.

Jax, Sandstorm, Zara, and Kazim had been exploring the ruins of the neon city for many days, searching for powerful artifacts and ancient knowledge. They had faced many challenges along the way, but they had always managed to overcome them.
One of the areas they had not yet explored was the city's sewers. The sewers were dark and dangerous, filled with powerful and ancient magic. Jax, Sandstorm, Zara, and Kazim knew that they would need to be careful if they wanted to survive.
As they made their way through the sewers, they encountered many obstacles. They had to navigate treacherous tunnels, avoid deadly traps, and fight off the hostile creatures that lurked in the shadows.
But despite the challenges, Jax, Sandstorm, Zara, and Kazim remained determined. They used their skills and knowledge to overcome each obstacle, and they always managed to stay one step ahead of their enemies.
Finally, they reached the heart of the sewers. There, they found a powerful magic item, a staff topped with a glowing crystal. Jax knew that this was exactly what he had been looking for, and he was determined to claim it as his own.
With the help of his companions, Jax fought his way through the sewers, and out of the neon city. He emerged victorious, brandishing the staff and ready to face whatever challenges the desert of Aridus threw his way.
From that day forward, Jax was even more powerful and deadly. He had found a new weapon, one that would help him protect his people and conquer any challenge that the neon city threw their way. He knew that he was unstoppable, and that nothing could stand in his way.

  • The ability to channel and control magical energy, allowing Jax to cast powerful spells and harness the full extent of his magical abilities.
  • The ability to amplify the strength and power of Jax's attacks, making him even more deadly in combat.
  • The ability to protect Jax from magical attacks and spells, making him immune to many of the dangers of the neon city.
  • The ability to teleport Jax and his allies short distances, allowing them to quickly and easily navigate the treacherous ruins of the neon city.
  • The ability to communicate with the spirits of the neon city, giving Jax access to ancient knowledge and secrets that have been long forgotten.


that night at the camp fire
Kazim was a young horned lizard folk, born and raised in the harsh desert of Aridus. From a young age, he was fascinated by the world around him, and he spent his days exploring the desert and learning its secrets.
As he grew older, Kazim's curiosity only grew stronger. He longed to see what lay beyond the borders of his tribe's territory, and he dreamed of discovering the ancient ruins and artifacts that were rumored to be hidden in the desert.
Finally, when Kazim was old enough, he set out on his own. He traveled the desert, seeking out rare and valuable items that he could trade with other tribes and merchants. He was a skilled trader, and he soon became known throughout the desert as a master of his craft.
As Kazim traveled, he encountered many dangers and challenges. He faced hostile creatures, powerful magic, and treacherous terrain. But Kazim was determined, and he always managed to overcome these obstacles.
Eventually, Kazim came across the ruins of the neon city. He was fascinated by the ancient civilization that had once thrived there, and he spent many days exploring the ruins and searching for powerful artifacts and ancient knowledge.
Through his travels and adventures, Kazim became a trader and explorer, traveling the desert in search of rare and valuable items. He was a master of his craft, and he was respected and admired by all who knew him.

Here is a short story about how Kazim and his people came into conflict with other desert inhabitants, such as the possum folk, and how they managed to overcome their differences and forge powerful alliances:
Kazim and his people were a proud and insular tribe of horned lizard folk, living in the harsh desert of Aridus. They had always been peaceful and reclusive, preferring to stay within their own territory and avoid contact with outsiders.
But as Kazim grew older, he began to realize that this way of life was not sustainable. The desert was a dangerous place, filled with hostile creatures and powerful magic. Kazim knew that his people would need allies if they wanted to survive.
So Kazim set out to explore the desert, seeking out other inhabitants and offering them friendship and alliance. He was met with suspicion and hostility at first, but Kazim was determined. He showed his skills and knowledge, and he soon won the respect and trust of the other desert inhabitants.
One of the most powerful and fearsome inhabitants of the desert was the possum folk. They were a fierce and dangerous people, known for their cunning and strength. Kazim knew that they would be a powerful ally, but he also knew that they would be difficult to win over.
But Kazim was a master of diplomacy, and he used his skills and knowledge to forge an alliance with the possum folk. He showed them the benefits of working together, and he proved his worth as a valuable ally.
In the end, Kazim and his people managed to overcome their differences and forge powerful alliances with the other desert inhabitants. Together, they would face the challenges and dangers of the neon city, and they would emerge victorious.

Zara was a young possum folk, born and raised in the harsh desert of Aridus. From a young age, she was fascinated by magic and technology, and she spent her days studying and experimenting with both.
As she grew older, Zara's interest in magic and technology only grew stronger. She was determined to master both, and she spent countless hours practicing and experimenting with different spells and gadgets.
But despite her best efforts, Zara struggled to master her magic. She found it difficult to control, and she often made mistakes that resulted in dangerous and unpredictable effects. She was frustrated and discouraged, but she refused to give up.
Zara knew that she needed to find a new way to approach her magic. She began to study the ancient texts and artifacts of the neon city, seeking out new knowledge and insights. She also sought out the guidance of the other techno-shamans, learning from their experiences and wisdom.
Through her hard work and determination, Zara finally managed to master her magic. She learned to control and channel it, using it to cast powerful spells and harness the full extent of her abilities. She was proud and confident, and she knew that she was ready to face any challenge that the neon city threw her way.

t is difficult to say exactly where Jax, Sandstorm, Zara, and Kazim might go after the neon city, as that is not specified in the original prompt. However, some potential locations they could visit could include:
  • The ruins of the ancient techno-shamanic city of Vexia: The city of Vexia was once a thriving metropolis, filled with advanced technology and powerful magic. It was destroyed in a great war, and its ruins now lie hidden in the depths of the desert. Jax, Sandstorm, Zara, and Kazim could explore its ruins, seeking out powerful artifacts and ancient knowledge.
  • The great sand sea of Aridus: The sand sea of Aridus is a vast and dangerous region, filled with treacherous sandstorms and powerful magic. Jax, Sandstorm, Zara, and Kazim could explore its depths, braving its dangers and uncovering its secrets.
  • The city of Solaria: The city of Solaria is a massive metropolis, located on the outskirts of the desert of Aridus. It is home to many different people and cultures, and it is a hub of trade and commerce. Jax, Sandstorm, Zara, and Kazim could visit Solaria, seeking out new allies and opportunities.
  • The floating islands of the Skyborn: The Skyborn are a mysterious and powerful race, living on a series of floating islands high above the desert. They are known for their advanced technology and powerful magic, and they are said to possess great knowledge and secrets. Jax, Sandstorm, Zara, and Kazim could seek out the Skyborn, hoping to learn from them and gain their favor.
  • The hidden oasis of the Desolation: The Desolation is a vast and barren wasteland, located at the heart of the desert of Aridus. It is said to be home to a hidden oasis, filled with fresh water and fertile land. Jax, Sandstorm, Zara, and Kazim could seek out the Desolation, hoping to find the oasis and make it their new home.

The Skyborn are a mysterious and powerful race, living on a series of floating islands high above the desert. They are known for their advanced technology and powerful magic, and they are said to possess great knowledge and secrets.
The Skyborn are said to be descendants of an ancient civilization, one that was so advanced that they were able to create entire islands that could float in the sky. They live on these islands, protected from the dangers and challenges of the desert below.
The Skyborn are a reclusive and insular people, preferring to keep to themselves and avoid contact with outsiders. They are said to be fiercely protective of their secrets and knowledge, and they will stop at nothing to defend their islands from intruders.
Despite their isolation, the Skyborn are known for their powerful technology and magic. They are said to possess weapons and artifacts that are far beyond the capabilities of other races, and they are rumored to be able to harness the power of the stars and the sky itself.
Some say that the Skyborn hold the key to great knowledge and secrets, hidden in the depths of their floating islands. Others say that they are dangerous and unpredictable, and that they should be avoided at all costs. Whatever the truth may be, the Skyborn remain a mystery, shrouded in the clouds above the desert.

Here is a short story about how Jax, Sandstorm, Zara, and Kazim reached the city of Solaria:
Jax, Sandstorm, Zara, and Kazim had been exploring the desert of Aridus for many days, braving its dangers and challenges in search of powerful artifacts and ancient knowledge. They had faced many obstacles along the way, but they had always managed to overcome them.
One of their greatest challenges was the vast and treacherous sand sea of Aridus. The sand sea was a vast and dangerous region, filled with powerful magic and treacherous sandstorms. Jax, Sandstorm, Zara, and Kazim knew that they would need to be careful if they wanted to survive.
As they made their way through the sand sea, they were ambushed by a group of sand creatures. The creatures were powerful and dangerous, using their sand-based powers to overwhelm their prey. Jax, Sandstorm, Zara, and Kazim fought back with all their might, using their weapons and abilities to fend off the creatures.
Despite their best efforts, the battle was fierce and brutal. The sand creatures were powerful and relentless, and they seemed to be immune to most of the possum folk's attacks. But Jax, Sandstorm, Zara, and Kazim refused to give up. They fought on, determined to emerge victorious.
Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the sand creatures were defeated. Jax, Sandstorm, Zara, and Kazim emerged from the sand sea, battered and bruised, but victorious. They had proven their courage and skill, and they knew that they were ready for anything that the desert could throw at them.
As they continued their journey, they came across the city of Solaria. It was a massive metropolis, located on the outskirts of the desert of Aridus. It was home to many different people and cultures, and it was a hub of trade and commerce. Jax, Sandstorm, Zara, and Kazim were intrigued, and they decided to enter the city and explore its wonders.
As they made their way through the city, they were amazed by its sights and sounds. They saw towering buildings and bustling streets, filled with people from all walks of life. They met traders and merchants, offering them rare and valuable items. They encountered powerful magic and advanced technology, things that they had never seen before.
Eventually, Jax, Sandstorm, Zara, and Kazim reached the heart of the city, where they found the great marketplace. It was a sprawling and chaotic place, filled with people and goods from all corners of the desert. Jax, Sandstorm, Zara, and Kazim were excited, and they began to explore the marketplace, seeking out new allies and opportunities.

Jax, Sandstorm, Zara, and Kazim had been exploring the city of Solaria for many days, and they were amazed by its sights and sounds. The city was a bustling metropolis, filled with people and cultures from all corners of the desert. Jax, Sandstorm, Zara, and Kazim were excited, and they were determined to make the most of their time in the city.
As they explored the city, they encountered many different people and places. They met traders and merchants, offering them rare and valuable items. They encountered powerful magic and advanced technology, things that they had never seen before. They even stumbled upon a hidden underground market, where they found all sorts of exotic and forbidden goods.
Despite all the excitement and adventure, Jax, Sandstorm, Zara, and Kazim knew that they had to be careful. The city was a dangerous place, filled with powerful enemies and treacherous allies. They had to be on their guard, and they had to be ready for anything.
One day, as they were exploring the city, they were ambushed by a group of bandits. The bandits were fierce and dangerous, and they were determined to take Jax, Sandstorm, Zara, and Kazim's possessions and valuables. Jax, Sandstorm, Zara, and Kazim fought back with all their might, using their weapons and abilities to fend off the bandits.
Despite their best efforts, the battle was fierce and brutal. The bandits were skilled and ruthless, and they seemed to be immune to most of the possum folk's attacks. But Jax, Sandstorm, Zara, and Kazim refused to give up. They fought on, determined to emerge victorious.
Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the bandits were defeated. Jax, Sandstorm, Zara, and Kazim emerged from the battle, battered and bruised, but victorious. They had proven their courage and skill, and they knew that they were ready for anything that the city could throw at them.
As they continued their journey, they came across a powerful techno-shaman. The techno-shaman was a master of magic and technology, and he was said to possess great knowledge and power. Jax, Sandstorm, Zara, and Kazim were intrigued, and they decided to seek out the techno-shaman and learn from him.
Through their interactions with the techno-shaman, Jax, Sandstorm, Zara, and Kazim learned many new and powerful spells and techniques. They also gained valuable insights into the city of Solaria, and they learned of the many dangers and opportunities that it held.
In the end, Jax, Sandstorm, Zara, and Kazim's time in the city of Solaria was a great success. They had learned much, and they had grown stronger and wiser. They were ready to face any challenge that the desert could throw at them, and they were determined to continue their journey and explore the world beyond.

  • Rare and valuable gems and minerals: The desert of Aridus is said to be rich in rare and valuable gems and minerals, and the city of Solaria is a hub of trade and commerce. Jax, Sandstorm, Zara, and Kazim could have seen traders and merchants offering all sorts of gems and minerals, from diamonds and sapphires to gold and platinum.
  • Exotic and unusual artifacts: The desert of Aridus is said to be home to many ancient and mysterious artifacts, and the city of Solaria is a place where such artifacts are often traded. Jax, Sandstorm, Zara, and Kazim could have seen traders and merchants offering all sorts of exotic and unusual artifacts, from ancient weapons and armor to mysterious scrolls and tomes.
  • Advanced technology and magical items: The city of Solaria is said to be home to many advanced technologies and magical items, and the traders and merchants of the city are always on the lookout for such items. Jax, Sandstorm, Zara, and Kazim could have seen traders and merchants offering all sorts of advanced technologies and magical items, from high-tech gadgets and weapons to powerful spells and enchantments.
  • Exotic and rare creatures: The desert of Aridus is home to many strange and exotic creatures, and the city of Solaria is a place where such creatures are often traded. Jax, Sandstorm, Zara, and Kazim could have seen traders and merchants offering all sorts of exotic and rare creatures, from ferocious beasts and creatures to magical beasts and elementals.
  • Luxurious and exotic goods: The city of Solaria is a place of great wealth and luxury, and the traders and merchants of the city are always on the lookout for luxurious and exotic goods to sell. Jax, Sandstorm, Zara, and Kazim could have seen traders and merchants offering all sorts of luxurious and exotic goods, from fine wines and exotic foods to rare and valuable fabrics and clothing.

Other people of the desert.
Horned Devils — punk name of the Horned Lizardfolk
Radrunners — mutated roadrunner people, similar to the athas elves. They live to run and raid.
They no longer can fly, but can glide.
They not only love to run. But also drive fast cars.