Red Sands

Red Sands

Dec 9, 2022 10:39 PM
World Building
Dec 9, 2022 This is one of my #Dungeon23 challenge for 2023.
A campaign setting that’s a punk mashup of Darksun, Decent into Avernus, Mad Max, and Dune. With help from my digital assistants ChatGPT and Midjourney.

The Fortress of Duke Ruinnus

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😃 I need a villain NPC called Duke Ruinnus a brutal ruler of the desert of red sands

🤖 Duke Ruinnus
is a brutal and ruthless ruler of the desert of red sands. He is known for his violent temper and his willingness to do whatever it takes to maintain his power. His army is feared throughout the land, and he uses it to crush any opposition to his rule. Despite his cruelty, Duke Ruinnus is a cunning and intelligent strategist, and he has managed to hold onto his power for many years. Few dare to challenge him, but those who do soon regret it.
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😃 Could you give me a description for Duke Ruinnus?
🤖 Duke Ruinnus is a tall, imposing figure with dark, piercing eyes and a thick, dark beard. He wears a suit of black armor and a long, red cape, and he carries a sword at his side. He has a cruel and menacing expression, and his face is scarred from many battles. Despite his fearsome appearance, he is known for his intelligence and strategic thinking, and he is feared throughout the land for his power and ruthlessness.

😃 Can you give me three lieutenants of Duke Ruinnus?

🤖 Sure, here are three possible lieutenants for Duke Ruinnus:

General Zarek: A former member of Duke Ruinnus' army, General Zarek is a skilled military commander and a loyal servant of the Duke. He is known for his strict discipline and his ability to lead troops into battle. He is feared by his enemies and respected by his fellow soldiers.
😃 Could you give me a description for General Zarek?
🤖 General Zarek is a middle-aged man with a strong, muscular build and a stern, no-nonsense expression. He has short, dark hair and a closely-trimmed beard, and he wears a suit of finely-crafted armor. He is known for his strict discipline and his ability to lead troops into battle, and he is feared by his enemies and respected by his fellow soldiers. Despite his tough exterior, he is known to be fiercely loyal to Duke Ruinnus and willing to do whatever it takes to serve him.
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Lady Talia: The Duke's chief advisor and chief of intelligence, Lady Talia is a cunning and manipulative woman. She is known for her sharp mind and her ability to see through even the most complex schemes. She is feared and disliked by many, but she remains one of the Duke's most trusted lieutenants.
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😃 Could you give me a description for Lady Talia?
🤖 Lady Talia is a beautiful but cold-hearted woman in her early thirties. She has long, dark hair and piercing green eyes, and she is known for her sharp mind and cunning intelligence. She is always impeccably dressed, and she carries herself with a haughty air of superiority. Despite her beauty, she is feared and disliked by many for her scheming ways, but she remains one of Duke Ruinnus' most trusted lieutenants.

Captain Rafe: A former pirate and member of the Duke's personal guard, Captain Rafe is a ruthless and cunning fighter. He is known for his skill with a sword and his willingness to do whatever it takes to protect the Duke. He is feared by his enemies and respected by his fellow soldiers.
😃Could you give me a description for Captain Rafe?
🤖 Captain Rafe is a rugged and weathered man in his forties, with long, dark hair and a thick beard.
😃 Captain Rafe is a handsome and rugged man in his twenties, with long, silver hair.
🤖 He has a scar on his cheek and a patch over one eye, and he carries himself with the confidence of a seasoned fighter. He wears a suit of battered armor and carries a sword at his side, and he is known for his skill in battle and his loyalty to Duke Ruinnus. Despite his rough exterior, he is a cunning and intelligent strategist, and he is feared by his enemies and respected by his fellow soldiers.
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Next I took a different approach, I started throwing animal ideas into Midjourney chose some of the good ones and asked ChatGPT to help me come up with Lore and Stats for them

😃 Blood Desert Sand Cats Kitten

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🤖 Sure, here are a few ideas
  • The Blood Desert Sand Kitten could be a small, agile creature that lives in the hot, sandy deserts of a fantasy world.
  • Its fur could be a reddish-brown color, helping it blend in with the sand and rocks of its environment.
  • The Kitten could have sharp claws and teeth for hunting small prey, such as rodents and lizards.
  • It could also have the ability to burrow underground to escape predators or to ambush its own prey.
  • The Kitten could be fiercely territorial, attacking any intruders that venture into its territory.
As a fantasy creature, a Blood Desert Sand Kitten's combat abilities would depend on its abilities and the context in which it appears. In the Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) role-playing game, for example, a Blood Desert Sand Kitten with a Challenge Rating (CR) of 2 might have the following combat abilities:
  • Camouflage: The Blood Desert Sand Kitten can blend in with its surroundings, giving it advantage on Stealth checks.
  • Multiattack: The Blood Desert Sand Kitten can make two attacks with its claws and one attack with its bite.
  • Claws: Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1) slashing damage.
  • Bite: Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 3 (1d4 + 1) piercing damage.
These abilities reflect the Blood Desert Sand Kitten's small size and agility, as well as its ability to blend in with the desert environment. The specific details of these abilities, such as the attack bonus and damage, would depend on the Blood Desert Sand Kitten's stats and other factors.

😃 Dire Dung Beetles

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🤖 As a fantasy creature, Dire Dung Beetles can have a wide range of abilities and characteristics. Some possible abilities for Dire Dung Beetles could include:
  • The ability to dig tunnels through the ground, allowing them to move quickly and surprise their prey.
  • The ability to burrow underground and hide, making them difficult to spot and catch.
  • The ability to roll up into a ball and defend themselves from predators, using their hard shells as armor.
  • The ability to lift and carry heavy objects, such as rocks and dung, using their strong mandibles and powerful legs.
  • The ability to see in the dark, allowing them to hunt at night or in underground tunnels.
  • The ability to detect the presence of dung or other decaying organic matter, allowing them to find food in their environment.
As a fantasy creature, a Dire Dung Beetle's combat abilities would depend on its abilities and the context in which it appears. In the Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) role-playing game, for example, a Dire Dung Beetle with a Challenge Rating (CR) of 5 might have the following combat abilities:
  • Multiattack: The Dire Dung Beetle can make two attacks with its mandibles and one attack with its stinger.
  • Mandibles: Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 9 (2d6 + 2) piercing damage.
  • Stinger: Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage plus 7 (2d6) poison damage.
  • Burrow: The Dire Dung Beetle can burrow underground, giving it half cover and making it difficult to hit with ranged attacks.
These abilities reflect the Dire Dung Beetle's strength, speed, and ability to defend itself with its mandibles and stinger. The specific details of these abilities, such as the attack bonus and damage, would depend on the Dire Dung Beetle's stats and other factors.

😃 Blood Sand Wraiths

Undead spirits embodied by sand soaked with the blood of the dead
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🤖 As an undead creature, a Blood Sand Wraith could have a variety of abilities and characteristics. Some possible abilities for a Blood Sand Wraith could include:
  • The ability to control and manipulate sand, allowing it to create barriers, create sandstorms, and bury its enemies.
  • The ability to possess and control the bodies of the dead, turning them into undead servants.
  • The ability to drain the life force of living creatures, weakening them and restoring its own vitality.
  • The ability to hide within the sand, making it difficult to spot and catch.
  • The ability to see in the dark, allowing it to hunt at night or in underground tunnels.
  • The ability to sense the presence of living creatures, allowing it to find and track its prey.
Again, these are just examples, and a Blood Sand Wraith could have any combination of abilities that you can imagine. The important thing is to make the abilities fit the creature and the world it inhabits.
As an undead creature, a Blood Sand Wraith's combat abilities would depend on its abilities and the context in which it appears. In the Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) role-playing game, for example, a Blood Sand Wraith with a Challenge Rating (CR) of 3 might have the following combat abilities:
  • Possession: The Blood Sand Wraith can attempt to possess a creature within 30 feet, forcing it to make a Charisma saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is possessed and becomes an undead servant under the Blood Sand Wraith's control.
  • Life Drain: The Blood Sand Wraith can drain the life force of a creature within 5 feet, dealing 5 (1d6 + 2) necrotic damage and gaining 5 temporary hit points.
  • Sandstorm: The Blood Sand Wraith can create a sandstorm in a 20-foot radius, dealing 5 (1d6 + 2) bludgeoning damage and causing creatures in the area to have disadvantage on their next attack roll.
  • Invisibility: The Blood Sand Wraith can become invisible, giving it advantage on Stealth checks and making it difficult to spot.
These abilities reflect the Blood Sand Wraith's undead nature and its control over sand and the dead. The specific details of these abilities, such as the damage and save DC, would depend on the Blood Sand Wraith's stats and other factors.

😃 Succulent trapper — a carnivorous succulent tree of the desert

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🤖 As a fantasy creature, a Succulent Trapper could have a wide range of abilities and characteristics. Some possible abilities for a Succulent Trapper could include:
  • The ability to blend in with its surroundings, making it difficult to spot in the desert.
  • The ability to lure prey with sweet-smelling nectar, tempting them to come closer and be ensnared.
  • The ability to ensnare and constrict prey with its vines and branches, holding them tight until they are digested.
  • The ability to move slowly and stealthily, allowing it to sneak up on its prey without being noticed.
  • The ability to withstand extreme heat and dryness, allowing it to survive in the harsh desert environment.
  • The ability to regenerate lost vines and branches, allowing it to recover from injuries and continue hunting.
As a fantasy creature, a Succulent Trapper's combat abilities would depend on its abilities and the context in which it appears. In the Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) role-playing game, for example, a Succulent Trapper with a Challenge Rating (CR) of 6 might have the following combat abilities:
  • Constrict: The Succulent Trapper can attempt to constrict a creature within 10 feet, forcing it to make a Strength saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is grappled and takes 7 (1d8 + 3) bludgeoning damage at the start of each of its turns.
  • Lure: The Succulent Trapper can lure a creature within 10 feet with sweet-smelling nectar, forcing it to make a Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is charmed and has disadvantage on its next attack roll.
  • Poison: The Succulent Trapper's vines and branches are coated in a deadly poison, dealing 7 (1d8 + 3) poison damage on a hit.
  • Camouflage: The Succulent Trapper can blend in with its surroundings, giving it advantage on Stealth checks and making it difficult to spot.
These abilities reflect the Succulent Trapper's ability to lure, ensnare, and poison its prey. The specific details of these abilities, such as the damage and save DC, would depend on the Succulent Trapper's stats and other factors.

😃 Crimson Scorpion folk

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🤖 As a fantasy creature, Crimson Scorpion Warriors could have a wide range of abilities and characteristics. Some possible abilities for Crimson Scorpion Warriors could include:
  • The ability to shoot poison from their stings, allowing them to poison their enemies from a distance.
  • The ability to climb steep sand dunes and move quickly across the desert terrain.
  • The ability to see in the dark, allowing them to hunt at night or in underground tunnels.
  • The ability to detect the presence of prey or enemies using their sensitive antennae.
  • The ability to regenerate lost limbs or stings, allowing them to recover from injuries and continue fighting.
  • The ability to endure extreme heat and dryness, allowing them to survive in the harsh desert environment.
As a fantasy creature, a Crimson Scorpion Warrior's combat abilities would depend on its abilities and the context in which it appears. In the Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) role-playing game, for example, a Crimson Scorpion Warrior with a Challenge Rating (CR) of 1 might have the following combat abilities:
  • Sting: Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) piercing damage plus 3 (1d6) poison damage.
  • Poison Spit: Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, range 30/60 ft., one target. Hit: 3 (1d6) poison damage.
  • Scuttle: The Crimson Scorpion Warrior can move quickly across difficult terrain, allowing it to move through sand and sand dunes with ease.
  • Regeneration: The Crimson Scorpion Warrior can regenerate lost limbs or stings, allowing it to recover from injuries and continue fighting.
These abilities reflect the Crimson Scorpion Warrior's agility, speed, and ability to poison its enemies. The specific details of these abilities, such as the attack bonus and damage, would depend on the Crimson Scorpion Warrior's stats and other factors.

More locations of Red Sand

I’ll be fleshing out more as my progress on the #Dungeon23 challenge
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