Jan 1, 2023
A large two-story room with rusted machines of unknown purpose, it’s a rust monster colony’s lair.
There are multiple entrances to this room, and large obsidian doors beyond which lay an Iron Golem.
- Grease barrels, some are leaking. The grease is viscous and flammable.
- Chains dangling from the ceiling, can be swung from. The rust monsters climb up and down from them to retreat.
- Secret rust hive nest has eggs, larvae and rust fish, among the hive is a rod made from whale (kindori) bone and a prismatic gems attached to both ends.
- Heavy obsidian doors, beyond which is an Iron Golem guardian
☠️ Rust Monsters, are eating, and not immediately interested in the PCs unless someone wearing metal armor fails a stealth check to get by.
☠️ Rust Fish swarm, these young rust monsters like tarnished bronze silverfish, skittering around the floor. They are not able to instantly rust materials, but they will get into peoples bags and clothing, and infest their gear, eating away at metal over an hour or so.
- Scratched by a rusty shiv.
- Rusty grating floor collapses, scratches and fall damage.
- Missed hit or stumbled into gears causing them to fall on the instigator.
- Gear or weapon get stuck, need to forcefully pull it out or use grease
- Grease on the floor, might slide and tumble
- Rusty fish slither into bag or clothes and gnaw away at metallic contents unnoticed.
- A possibly magical Bone rod with an Emerald and Ruby on its ends. Likely related to prismatic or radiant powers.
- Small Grease barrels, each 25 pounds.
- Large Grease barrels, each 250 pounds.
- Rusty spiked shield 🛡 will break with a solid blow, unless repaired and reinforced over a rest.
- 3 adamant lynchpins, worth 200gp each. They can be used as small clubs in combat. Pulling out the lynchpins might cause gears ⚙️ to roll off, so must be handled with care, but also will require strength even when using grease.