Street Fighting
Street Fighting

Street Fighting

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In the pulsing heart of the neon-lit city, the crowd roars as two fighters meet in the center of a makeshift ring, encircled by a wall of spectators. One, a towering brute with arms like tree trunks, squares off against a nimble acrobat, her movements as fluid and unpredictable as water. Welcome to the world of STREET FIGHTING, a tabletop RPG where you'll step into the shoes of fighters like these, each with their unique stories, fighting styles, and burning ambitions. Here battles are won as much by force of will as by strength of arms. The streets become your arena, every challenge a test of your mettle. The fight is on!
Street Fighting can be traced back to its  and some basic rules can be found that document. Although the spirit of ICRPG remains, many things have been tweaked and changed so some things might seem familiar yet different.
Street Fighting can be traced back to its
Index Card RPG Heritage
Index Card RPG Heritage
and some basic rules can be found that document. Although the spirit of ICRPG remains, many things have been tweaked and changed so some things might seem familiar yet different.

Table of Contents


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It's time to own the streets, make a name for yourself, and decide your own fate.


Distribute 5 points among your Core STATS.
  • BRAWN embodies a fighter's physical power and resilience. Fighters with high Brawn land heavy blows, resist fatigue and injury, and easily overcome physical obstacles or opponents.
  • AGILITY is a character's speed, reflexes, and nimbleness. High Agility allows for reacting quickly, gracefully dodge attacks, and excel in situations demanding deftness and acrobatics.
  • CUNNING reflects street-smarts, quick thinking, and tactical prowess. Cunning fighters can read opponents' moves, exploit weaknesses, or mislead enemies with clever feints.
  • WILL symbolizes inner strength, charisma, and spiritual mastery. Fighters with high Will strive under pressure, inspire allies, and effectively control their chi, and manifest unique abilities.
For conversions these 4 STATs can be mapped to the traditional 6 STATs as - BRAWN = STR & CON - AGILITY = DEX - CUNNING = INT, WIS’s perception and instinct, CHA’s magnetism - WILL = CHA & WIS’s force of will and spiritual magic


Distribute 5 points among your EFFORT types.
Fighters choose the EFFORT to commit into their actions. LIGHT effort goes first in the round, while HEAVY an GRAPPLE go last. See 3.2 — INITIATIVE ORDER rules for more details.
  • LIGHT (d4): Quick jabs and kicks that probe defenses, disrupt attacks, and can create openings.
  • MID (d6): Attacks with a mix of speed and power, staggering or pushing back opponents.
  • HEAVY (d8): Telegraphed, but powerful strikes that breach defenses and deal high damage.
  • GRAPPLE (d10): Grab-and-throw that can bypass defenses, reposition or immobilize opponents.
  • ULTIMATE (d12): The pinnacle of skill and power, devastating attacks have dramatic effects.
Chi? Fighters have abilities that harness Chi (life force) to throw Fireballs, Electricity, or any number of other effects. The EFFORT used for Chi, is also chosen by players.
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Choose 1 FIGHTER TRAIT. You gain additional TRAITS as your fighter grows.

d8 - Fighter Traits

  1. BLITZ: Master of combos. If land your first LIGHT attack you start a COMBO with a second LIGHT attack for free.
  1. BURNING SOUL: Your SECOND WIND attempts are EASY, and GET BACK UP attempts are not HARD.
  1. EVASION: When attacked outside of CLOSE range, you are HARD (+3 PARRY) to hit.
  1. GRAPPLER: Add GRAPPLE effort to grapple attempt rolls. You can start a GRAPPLE from NEAR, or mid air.
  1. RUSHER: You can move FAR as if it were NEAR, and when you JUMP go first, not last.
  1. TOUGH AS NAILS: Add twice your BRAWN to HP, and get a +2 to BLOCK.
  1. WILD FURY: Any time you roll a max EFFORT die, roll it again. If an attack drops its target, make another attack instantly.
  1. TRICKSTER: Add CUNNING to your ULTIMATE effort. Master of misdirection, CUNNING checks for deception are EASY for you.


Choose 1 SPECIAL MOVE. You gain additional SPECIAL MOVES as your fighter grows.
Finding a Master that can teach a particular move is a reward of its own. Players should encounter such Masters, as well as proving themselves to Masters for more moves. The GM section has more advanced moves, and players can also come up with new ideas for their fighters to search out.
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  1. FLURRY: A HARD roll to hit 3 times, choose any target(s) within CLOSE range add EFFORT once.
  1. HIT & RUN: After a successful attack you can move NEAR again.
  1. ROUND HOUSE: A HARD roll to deal EFFORT to all targets within CLOSE.
  1. SHOCKWAVE: A powerful shockwave knocking CLOSE enemies to the ground.
  1. TRAMPLE: MOVE in a straight line up to NEAR, and attack all enemies in your path.
  1. UPPERCUT: When hitting a target in HIGH GROUND go first, and knock the opponent to the ground.


  1. BLINK: As your MOVE teleport anywhere in NEAR.
  1. CHI BURST: Roll WILL unleash energy that hits all CLOSE targets.
  1. ENERGY BOLT: Roll WILL to fire a bolt of energy at a target within FAR range. It is EASY to defend when at FAR range.
  1. EXTRA REACH: You can take melee actions in NEAR range using a ranged weapon or chi.
  1. RIFTS: Roll CUNNING to create d4 rifts within FAR distance. You can attack targets CLOSE to the rifts, or teleport through any of your open rifts for free.
  1. SWAP PLACES: As part of a successful PARRY, or opposed CUNNING roll, swap places with your target, also usable on loose objects of equal mass.
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Start 1 Like & Dislike each. You gain additional passions as your fighter grows.
Fighters are defined by burning passions, such as the things they Like or Dislike. These can be as broad as "loves justice, hates tyranny," or as specific as "loves spicy food, hates loud noises."
  • CALLING ON YOUR PASSIONS: Once per session fighters can invoke each of their passions to turn a Success into a CRITICAL Success.
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d20 - Sample Likes

  1. Training: Nothing feels as right as the burn of a good workout.
  1. Spicy Food: The hotter, the better, it fuels your inner fire.
  1. Music: Something to get your blood pumping and mind focused.
  1. Pets: Their loyalty and spirit inspire you.
  1. Dancing: It's all about expressing yourself and feeling the rhythm.
  1. Teaching: You enjoy passing on your knowledge and seeing others grow.
  1. Nature: Peace and tranquility of the outdoors help you focus.
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  1. Board Games: Anything from chess to TCGs. They provide challenge and social interaction.
  1. Collecting: Be it stamps, coins, action figures, or something else, you enjoy the thrill of a new addition to your collection.
  1. Cooking: There's a certain rhythm and discipline to it that appeals to you.
  1. Reading: Books offer a wealth of knowledge and a good story.
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  1. Fashion: Clothing isn't just functional, it's a statement.
  1. The Underdog: There's something special about supporting the little guy and proving others wrong.
  1. Travel: New places and experiencing new cultures broadens your perspective.
  1. Art: Whether it's painting, sculpture, or graffiti, creative expression inspires you.
  1. Competition: The thrill of a challenge is what gets you up in the morning.
  1. Teamwork: Nothing beats the camaraderie of a well-oiled team.
  1. Meditation: It helps you clear your mind and focus your energy.
  1. Mechanical work: Fixing and building things with your own hands is satisfying.
  1. Movies: They ignite your fighting spirit and provide a wealth of inspiration.

d20 - Sample Dislikes

  1. Cheaters: There's no honor in victory without fair play.
  1. Injustice: You can't stand seeing the strong oppress the weak.
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  1. Technology: You can’t keep up with technology, besides weakens resilience.
  1. Unnecessary Violence: Fighting has a purpose, senseless brutality does not.
  1. Laziness: There's always something you can be doing to improve.
  1. Being Interrupted: Whether it's during a training session, or a meal, interruptions are annoying.
  1. Waiting: Patience might be a virtue, but you prefer being in the thick of things.
  1. Messiness: Order and discipline should extend to all aspects of life.
  1. Bad Manners: Rude behavior is one of your major pet peeves.
  1. Overconfidence: Underestimating an opponent is a surefire way to end up on the mat.
  1. Being Idle: Life is for living, not sitting around doing nothing.
  1. Bullies: You despise those who use their strength to intimidate the weak.
  1. Liars: Honesty and straightforwardness are virtues you uphold.
  1. Noise: It's distracting and breaks your concentration.
  1. Fast food: It's unhealthy and you prefer nutritious meals.
  1. Being indoors: It feels restricting and stifling.
  1. Crowds: They're too noisy and chaotic for your liking.
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  1. Early mornings: You're not a morning person, prefer late-night training.
  1. Losing: Not in a sore loser way, but it's a sign you've got more to learn.
  1. Waste: Whether it's time, food, or resources, waste irks you.
For a quirky or “evil heel” type character it can be interesting to swap Likes and Dislikes. Example, a fighter that likes Fast food and dislikes Training could be fun to portray.

2 — LOOT

Fighters start with 1 KEEPSAKE, and 1 item of CLOTHING or GEAR of their choice.
Fighters are initially limited to 4 LOOT SLOTS total, and can gain more as they gain experience.
For all intents and purposes, it is considered that players have all items are equipped, and can readily access anything.
The GM might allow fighters to temporarily carry some things, such as a macguffin, without using slots. Or even equip an improvised weapon during a scene or between scenes. However by the end of the session it is assumed any excess items will be lost, and players will need to make a choice about what they have equipped.


Fighters embody the spirit of true warriors, able to face any challenge with nothing but their fists and their will. They rarely rely on weapons, tools, or magical artifacts. Instead, they rely on skills honed through years of training, and minds sharpened by countless battles.
This isn't to say that they shun all possessions - far from it. A KEEPSAKE from a mentor, a gift from a loved one, or an artifact imbued with personal significance can carry enormous weight. These KEEPSAKES remind them of who they are, and what they're fighting for.
KEEPSAKES can be used once per session to:
  • Re-roll any failed ATTEMPT as an EASY roll.

d20 - Sample Keepsakes

  1. A weathered training manual from your first mentor, filled with handwritten notes and diagrams.
  1. An old, worn-out punching bag that has been patched up many times, a symbol of your early training days.
  1. A photograph of your family or loved ones, a reminder of who you're fighting for.
  1. A small medallion or amulet given by a childhood friend, worn smooth by years of fiddling.
  1. A faded ticket stub from your first professional fight.
  1. An old, reliable training tool - perhaps a skipping rope, or handgrips - that you've kept from your early days.
  1. A broken chain or necklace, representing a significant personal loss.
  1. A lucky charm or talisman, believed to bring you good fortune in battle.
  1. A signature move or sequence, drawn on a piece of paper and signed by a legendary fighter.
  1. A pressed flower or leaf from your hometown, a symbol of where you came from.
  1. A hand-me-down pair of gloves or wraps, which were once used by a person you admire.
  1. A memento from your first victory, such as a small piece of the ring or arena.
  1. A letter of challenge from a rival, kept to remind you of the rivalry that fueled your determination to improve.
  1. A shard from a shattered trophy, a bitter reminder of a significant defeat and a symbol of your resolve to never let it happen again.
  1. A scarf or piece of clothing gifted to you by a significant person in your life.
  1. An autograph or signature from a fighter you idolize.
  1. A piece of a banner or poster from a significant fight, maybe your biggest underdog victory.
  1. A commemorative coin or medal, given to you after a memorable event or achievement.
  1. A piece of fabric from the bandana or gi of your most respected opponent.
  1. An old map or brochure of a far-off place, symbolizing your dream of fighting there one day.


Wearable items that grant boosts to core STATS, EFFORT, or offer unique game bonuses. Some clothing items might also have drawbacks.

d12 - Clothing items

2.3 — GEAR

These are technology-based urban loot items like smartphones, watches, and cameras. GEAR can provide a range of unique utilities and bonuses, depending on the specific item.

d12 - Pieces of Gear


Sold around the city encountered when transitioning between scenes. Typically heals HP, grants POWER points, may grant temporary STAT bonuses. It takes an ACTION to eat STREET FOOD.

d12 - Street Food

  1. Grilled Skewers: Heal a massive amount of HP (d12).
  1. Steamed Dumplings: Automatically CRIT your next AGILITY roll.
  1. Spicy Tacos: BRAWN rolls are EASY for next d4 ROUNDS.
  1. Bubble Tea: Gain 2d4 POWER points.
  1. Street Pizza Slice: Provides an automatic success on next DEFENSE roll.
  1. Ice Cream Sundae: CUNNING rolls are EASY for d4 ROUNDS
  1. Fresh Fruit Smoothie: Heals a minor amount of HP (d6).
  1. Churros: AGILITY rolls are EASY for d4 ROUNDS.
  1. Fried Rice: Heals a minor amount of HP and POWER points (d4).
  1. Hot Dogs: Heal HP (d8), and next BRAWN roll is EASY.
  1. Gourmet Burger: Heals all HP. AGILITY are HARD for d4 ROUNDS.
  1. Fresh Sushi: WILL rolls are EASY for d4 ROUNDS.
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Weapons are nothing compared to the skill and power of a true martial artists fists, however mooks make use of them. As a general rule weapons don’t last long, and tend to be discarded between scenes, however in the middle of a scene they might provide an edge in combat.
WEAPONS can be used, and sacrificed, to:
  • Make an ULTIMATE effort attack,
  • or automatically stop a successful attack from a threat.

d12 - Improvised Weapons

  1. Broken bottle: Good for a quick, sharp weapon in a bar fight.
  1. Frying pan: An amusing, yet effective blunt weapon.
  1. Fire Extinguisher: Can be used to put out fires or create a smokescreen.
  1. Steel chain: Found in an alley or construction site, it can be used like a whip.
  1. Crowbar: Ideal for prying things open and bashing opponents.
  1. Pool cue: Handy in a bar fight, can be used like a staff or broken to create a sharp weapon.
  1. Trash can lid: Makeshift shield that can also be thrown like a frisbee.
  1. Pipe wrench: A heavy tool found in maintenance areas.
  1. Broom or mop: Can be used like a staff, or broken to create a sharp weapon.
  1. Car antenna: Can be ripped off a vehicle and used like a whip.
  1. Brick or rock: Can be thrown, or used to bash opponents.
  1. Hot coffee or tea: Can be thrown into an opponent's face to distract or burn them.

d12 - Thug Weapons

  1. Brass Knuckles: Punches pack an extra punch with these metallic additions.
  1. Switchblade: A small, concealable knife perfect for quick and dirty work.
  1. Lead Pipe: A heavy, blunt instrument used for bludgeoning.
  1. Baseball Bat: This sports equipment makes for a formidable club.
  1. Chain: Wrapped around a fist or used like a whip, a chain can be a dangerous tool.
  1. Crowbar: For prying things open, in the right hands a deadly weapon.
  1. Broken Bottle: Improvised but effective, especially if the thug aims for the face.
  1. Hockey stick: This sports equipment makes for a formidable club.
  1. Nunchaku: Requires skill to use, but can be devastatingly effective.
  1. Handgun: Not all thugs fight fair, and a gun can change the stakes quickly.
  1. Machete: A large blade typically used for cutting through undergrowth, but just as good for intimidating adversaries.
  1. Taser: Non-lethal, but a shocking surprise for anyone on the receiving end.


- “Fighting is not the answer, but it will show us the way”
- “Fighting is not the answer, but it will show us the way”
For fighters, almost everything can be solved through sparring. Need to get something, make a new friend, cook a meal, play volleyball at the beach… all these things can, and most certainly will be resolved with high stakes combat!
Think of combat as the catalyst for all interactions.


Before a big fight, each fighter declares why they're fighting. This could be a brief monologue or a fiery exchange with their opponent, and it should tie into their personal story arc. This is an excellent way to keep the fighter’s story front and center, even in the midst of combat. As an added twist, the GM might make the target EASY if your declaration was particularly dramatic.
  • If more than half the Party succeeds you reduce scene’s TARGET by 1, otherwise it is increased by 1.
  • On each natural 20 or 1 adjust the TARGET by additional points!
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Initiative is dynamic and changing all the time. At the start of each ROUND the GM will begin asking for actions in order from LIGHT to ULTIMATE effort.
All actions of equal EFFORT go simultaneously! Which can lead to a double K.O.
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Distance is a rather loose concept, mostly relative to how it affects gameplay.
  • CLOSE: This is toe-to-toe, typical sparring distance, no move is needed to use or interact with CLOSE things.
  • NEAR: A few hurried steps get you to NEAR things. Imagine NEAR as being a few seconds away, things within reach of JUMPing distance.
  • FAR: Beyond NEAR, FAR takes you several seconds to run. A distance, as far as throwing a baseball. If you want to move FAR on your TURN, it will take the entire TURN to do so.
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  • HIGH GROUND: Gained either by terrain, knocking down a target or jumping, it makes for an EASY TARGET against the opponent.
  • JUMP: Jumping places you after others’ TURN when attempting actions of equal EFFORT.


Fighters begin with 10 + BRAWN hp.


At 0 HP fighters are “knocked out”, they can’t act, and all effects they were creating vanish. However a true fighter never gives up…


At the end of each ROUND make a HARD WILL check to GET BACK UP, on a success the fighter is back at 1 HP ready to rumble! 3 failures in a row, the fighter is out cold for the rest of the SCENE.
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No death? This game is not about survival, it’s about the high stakes of being a fighter. If the whole party goes down, wrap up the scenes and up the ante and put the party in a tougher situation. See the GM tools for failing forward ideas.


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Fighters declare the EFFORT of the attack as part of the initiative each ROUND. Most simple attacks are straight BRAWN or AGILITY rolls, Chi attacks tend to be WILL, and trickery or using implements is a CUNNING check.


Fighters can use their SPECIAL MOVES which have specific rules described as part of their descriptions.


Fighters have vast experience adapting tactics and moves. If an ATTEMPT is not already HARD, fighters can perform a GAMBIT making a HARD roll. On a success they deliver the attack with regular EFFORT and additional benefits. Here are some ideas and you encouraged to invent others in the heat of the battle.
  • COMBO: Start a COMBO if you hit, you deal EFFORT and can make another attack.
  • DISARM: Make the target drop whatever they are carrying.
  • SHOVE: Push or pull an opponent anywhere within NEAR.
  • TRIP: Trip the opponent landing them on the ground, giving you the HIGH GROUND.


Two or more fighters attack in tandem, if all hits succeed add ULTIMATE effort to each attack. However if any of the attacks fail, all attacks fail.


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At the start of the ROUND choose if you are BLOCKing or PARRYing. The choice between these defense types depends on your strengths and the nature of your opponents. On a successful DEFENSE roll avoid the attack.
  • BLOCK is your ability to endure attacks.
    • BLOCK is your combined AGILITY + BRAWN.
    • LIGHT attacks are EASY to BLOCK
    • GRAPPLE attempts are HARD to BLOCK
  • PARRY is your ability to dodge attacks.
    • PARRY is your combined AGILITY + CUNNING.
    • GRAPPLE attempts are EASY to PARRY


COUNTER ATTACKS make player fighters badasses and able take down a bunch of mooks in a single round. Also can make bosses fearsome as they fend the whole party.
When fighting, everything is an opportunity and a risk. No action goes without effect!
When fighter fails their first ATTACK their opponent gets a free COUNTER ATTACK.
And when a fighter succeeds at DEFENSE they get a free COUNTER ATTACK.
COUNTER ATTACK damage equals a fighter’s minimal EFFORT roll they have committed to for the ROUND. Some fighters may also have traits or moves that trigger on a COUNTER ATTACK.


Every fighter has POWER GAUGE, that fills up as they fight, this POWER can be used to unleash powerful moves or special abilities.
  • At the start of the session the POWER GAUGE begins at zero
  • and you can’t have more than 12 POWER points.


Characters gain POWER points in a few different ways:
ATTACKING earns 1 point. A CRITICAL earns 3 points.


  • Spend points one to one, up to 6, to improve any ATTEMPT rolls.
  • Spend 3 points perform a free COMBO, COUNTER or INTERCEPT.
  • Spend 6 points unleash a SUPER MOVE that deals additional ULTIMATE of EFFORT.
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A SUPER MOVE is a powerful and dramatic move that has a significant impact on the battle. For instance, a brawler might unleash a barrage of punches, a grappler could perform a devastating throw, and a trickster create a distraction to land a sudden strike.


There are many other ACTIONS players can attempt in play. Most actions follow the basic rule of requiring the player to make an ATTEMPT against the TARGET of the scene.
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CHEER: Make a WILL check. An ally’s next roll is EASY.
INTIMIDATE: Make a CUNNING check. Target cannot approach you for a ROUND.
SECOND WIND: Make a WILL check. On a success gain WILL + 1 points in HP and POWER, and free yourself from negative effects and constraints affecting you.
STUDY: Make a CUNNING check to study your surroundings. Reduce the current TARGET by 1.
TAUNT: Succeed a CUNNING check targeted at an enemy, they cannot resist dueling with you.
INTERCEPT: Intercept an attack made against an ally. Make a DEFENSE roll, if you succeed you deflect the attack, however if you fail you both take full damage.


After each session, or about 5 SCENES, fighters gain a MASTERY point, which can be used to improve and train. Some uses include:
  • 1 MASTERY Point — Increase a STAT or EFFORT by 1
  • 2 MASTERY Point — Gain a new FIGHTER TRAIT. You can have up to 2 TRAITS.
  • 2 MASTERY Point — Gain a new SPECIAL MOVE, you can have up to 5 SPECIAL MOVES.
  • 2 MASTERY Point — Increase 1 LOOT slots from up to 6 (initial 4)



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Here are some tables to help inspire you create a unique fighter. These can also be used rolling a one of each of dice (d4, d6, d8, d10, d12 and d20) to quickly create a unique fighter.
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  1. Thin or Petite
  1. Athletic
  1. Buff
  1. Burly


  1. Arrogant: You are overconfident and tend to look down on others. You often underestimate your opponents, which can sometimes lead to your downfall.
  1. Ruthless: You are aggressive, relentless, and don't know the meaning of the word "mercy." You're there to win, by any means necessary.
  1. Sarcastic: You have a sharp wit and are often making jokes or delivering dry, cutting remarks. You may use humor as a defense mechanism or as a way to throw off your opponents.
  1. Stubborn: You're set in your ways and rarely, if ever, change your mind once it's made up. This can lead to conflict with others who see different paths or solutions.
  1. Impulsive: You often act before thinking and it can lead you into trouble. You might rush into situations without considering the consequences.
  1. Obsessive: Once you latch onto something—an idea, a goal, a vendetta—you can't let it go. This single-minded focus can be an asset, but also a detriment if it blinds you to other considerations.


  1. Fiery: You are passionate, intense, and easily riled up. You wear your heart on your sleeve and never back down from a fight.
  1. Boastful: You are confident, maybe to a fault, and aren't afraid to let everyone know just how good you are. You tend to make grand statements and promises.
  1. Cool: You are calm, collected, and never seem to break a sweat. Even in the heat of battle, you maintain your composure.
  1. Stoic: You are serious, reserved, and give little away about what you're thinking or feeling. You value discipline and hard work over flashy moves or taunts.
  1. Cheerful: You are optimistic, friendly, and always have a smile on your face, even in the toughest fights. You enjoy the thrill of the fight and try to keep things light-hearted.
  1. Noble: You are honorable, respectful, and fight with a sense of dignity and fairness. You believe in the spirit of competition and value martial arts traditions.
  1. Humble: You are modest and down-to-earth. You don't boast about your abilities, preferring to let your actions speak for themselves.
  1. Eccentric: You are quirky, unpredictable, and march to the beat of your own drum. You might have unusual fighting styles, attire, or customs, which can make you both bewildering and entertaining to others.


  1. Street Urchin: You grew up on the rough streets of a big city, learning to fight to protect yourself and your friends. You may not have formal training, but you have plenty of real-world experience.
  1. Dojo Disciple: You've spent your life training in a prestigious martial arts dojo. You've mastered the techniques of your style, but you're eager to test yourself in the real world.
  1. Military Veteran: You served in the military and learned to fight out of necessity. Now that you're out, you've turned to competitive fighting to make a living.
  1. Noble Scion: You're the heir of a wealthy family. Bored by the life of luxury, you've turned to martial arts to seek excitement and challenge.
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  1. Mystic Ascetic: You've spent years in solitude, honing your body and mind in pursuit of spiritual enlightenment. Now you've emerged from seclusion to test your skills against the world's best.
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  1. Traveling Performer: You're part of a travelling circus or performance troupe, using your martial arts skills to entertain. The competitive fighting scene offers a new stage for you to perform.
  1. Professional Athlete: Previously, you were involved in another sport (e.g., football, boxing) and have since transitioned into martial arts, bringing your athletic talents to a new arena.
  1. Criminal Enforcer: You were an enforcer for a crime syndicate and learned to fight in this dark underworld. Now, you're seeking a different path and hope to leave your past behind.
  1. Police Officer/Detective: You serve the law and have learned to fight to protect and serve. Entering the tournament could be part of an investigation, or a means to test your skills.
  1. Scientific Experiment: You've been subject to scientific experiments that have enhanced your abilities. You're seeking answers, revenge, or perhaps a way to reverse the process.


  1. Redemption: You've made mistakes in the past and seek redemption through the discipline of martial arts.
  1. Revenge: Someone has wronged you or a loved one, and you're seeking revenge. The tournament might lead you to that person, or help you train for the inevitable showdown.
  1. Recognition: You're looking to make a name for yourself and prove your worth. Winning the tournament would bring you fame and respect.
  1. Discovery: You're searching for answers about a personal mystery – perhaps the truth about a parent, a secret about your martial style, or the reason behind a personal tragedy.
  1. Protection: Someone you care about is in danger. You're fighting to protect them, either directly or by using the prize money or influence from winning the tournament.
  1. Adventure: You're motivated primarily by the thrill of travel and competition. You want to see the world, meet interesting people, and test your skills against them.
  1. Rivalry: There's another fighter who you're desperate to surpass. This could be a friendly rivalry, or a bitter feud.
  1. Legacy: You're upholding the honor of your dojo, your master, or your family. You're fighting to prove that your martial art is the best.
  1. Debt: You owe a significant debt, and the prize money from the tournament is your best hope of repaying it.
  1. Salvation: You or a loved one is suffering from a serious ailment. You're seeking a legendary healer or a rare medicine, and you believe the tournament could lead you to the cure.
  1. Exposure: You're using the tournament as a platform to shed light on an issue you deeply care about. It could be social, political, environmental, or personal.
  1. Mentorship: You're aiming to establish yourself in the fighting world so that you can pass on your knowledge to a new generation of fighters. Your journey might involve finding a worthy student or opening your own training dojo.
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  1. Kung fu: A versatile and straightforward style, emphasizing strikes with the hands and feet.
  1. Judo: A grappling style that focuses on throws and joint locks.
  1. Kung Fu: An umbrella term for a variety of Chinese martial arts, some of which focus on fluid, continuous movements.
  1. Muay Thai: A brutal striking art that makes extensive use of elbows and knees.
  1. Boxing: A focused style that exclusively uses punches and emphasizes footwork and evasion.
  1. Taekwondo: A Korean martial art known for its high, fast kicks and jumping and spinning kicks.
  1. Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu: A martial art emphasizing ground fighting and submission holds.
  1. Krav Maga: A military self-defense and fighting system developed for the Israel Defense Forces, known for its focus on real-world situations and practicality.
  1. Capoeira: An Afro-Brazilian martial art that combines elements of dance, acrobatics, and music.
  1. Sambo: A Russian martial art and combat sport that combines elements of judo and wrestling.
  1. Kickboxing: A hybrid martial art combining elements of boxing and karate, with an emphasis on both punches and kicks.
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  1. Wrestling: An ancient martial art that involves throws, locks, and grappling techniques.
  1. Aikido: A Japanese martial art focusing on using an opponent's energy against them, often through throws and joint locks.
  1. Kali - Escrima: Filipino martial arts that emphasize weapon-based fighting with sticks, knives and other bladed weapons, and various improvised weapons.
  1. Savate: A French martial art that focuses on fighting with the feet, similar to kickboxing.
  1. Kyokushin Karate: A style of stand-up, full contact karate known for its tough conditioning and full-contact sparring.
  1. Ninjutsu: The strategy and tactics of unconventional warfare, guerrilla warfare, and espionage purportedly practiced by the shinobi (commonly known outside Japan as ninja).
  1. Sumo: A competitive full-contact wrestling style where a wrestler attempts to force another wrestler out of a circular ring or to touch the ground with anything other than the soles of the feet.
  1. Tai Chi: A Chinese martial art known for its slow, flowing movements. It can be adapted for self-defense or combat, but it's often practiced for health benefits.
  1. Mixed Martial Arts: Is a full-contact combat sport based on striking, grappling and ground fighting, incorporating techniques from various combat sports from around the world.
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