
can you help me with fantasy lore for a mega dromedary on which desert travellers build movable homes
Of course! A mega dromedary, also known as a camel, is a large, sturdy animal that has long been used by desert travelers as a means of transportation and for carrying goods. In many fantasy settings, these animals are also used as mounts and even as living, movable homes.
One common way that desert travelers build movable homes on camels is by creating large, sturdy platforms that are attached to the animal's back. These platforms are often made from wood or other sturdy materials, and they can be decorated with colorful fabrics or other adornments to create a comfortable and inviting space.
Some travelers might also build small, enclosed structures on the platform, such as tents or huts, for added protection from the elements. These structures can be easily disassembled and reassembled as the camel moves from one place to another.
Another way that desert travelers might use camels as movable homes is by attaching small, lightweight tents or shelters directly to the animal's back. These tents can be opened and closed easily, allowing the travelers to quickly set up camp and take down their home when they need to move on.
Overall, camels are an integral part of desert life in many fantasy settings, and their use as movable homes is a creative and practical solution for travelers who need to move frequently across the arid landscape.
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what if the housing was made of metal scraps and neon signs
If the housing was made of metal scraps and neon signs, it would likely create a unique and striking visual aesthetic. The metal scraps could be welded together to create sturdy, functional structures, and the neon signs could be used for lighting, decoration, or even for displaying messages or advertisements.
Depending on the type of metal scraps used, the housing could be very industrial and utilitarian in appearance, or it could be more decorative and artistic. The neon signs could add a vibrant and colorful element to the housing, making it stand out in the desert landscape.
In terms of practicality, using metal scraps and neon signs for housing on a camel's back could have some challenges. The metal scraps would need to be carefully chosen and welded together to create structures that are strong and lightweight, and the neon signs would need to be protected from the elements in order to prevent them from breaking or malfunctioning.
Overall, while using metal scraps and neon signs for housing on a camel's back would certainly create an interesting and unique visual aesthetic, it would also require careful planning and execution in order to ensure that the structures are functional and practical for desert travel.
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can you tell me a short story about a family traveling the desert in such a way
Sure! Here is a short story about a family traveling the desert in a camel-borne home:
The sun was setting over the desert, casting a warm, orange glow across the sand dunes. In the distance, a small group of camels could be seen moving steadily across the landscape, their long legs carrying them over the rough terrain.
As they approached, it became clear that each camel was carrying a large platform on its back. These platforms were made from sturdy wooden planks and were decorated with colorful fabrics and ornaments. They were the homes of the desert travelers who rode on the camels' backs.
One of the camels carried a family of four: a father, a mother, and their two young children. The father rode on the camel's back, guiding it with gentle tugs on the reins. The mother and children sat on the platform, which was filled with their belongings and supplies.
As they rode, the family chatted and laughed, enjoying the cool evening breeze. The children played with small toys, and the mother tended to a small cooking fire, preparing a simple meal for their dinner.
As night fell, the family settled down on the platform, pulling the fabric walls of their shelter closed around them. They fell asleep to the gentle swaying of the camel's movements and the soft murmur of the desert wind.
In the morning, they awoke refreshed and ready to continue their journey. They packed up their belongings, said goodbye to their camel, and set off on a new day of adventure and exploration in the desert.
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can you make up some sci-fi fantasy lore for these animals
Sure, here is some sci-fi fantasy lore for camels:
In a distant future, the planet known as Aridus is a harsh and unforgiving place, with vast deserts stretching as far as the eye can see. The only inhabitants of this harsh world are the hardy camels that roam the dunes, their long legs and powerful muscles allowing them to survive in the scorching heat.
But the camels of Aridus are no ordinary animals. Over the generations, they have evolved to become intelligent and self-aware beings, capable of communication and even basic technology. They live in small, nomadic communities, moving from one oasis to another in search of food and water.
The camels have developed a unique form of transportation: large, sturdy platforms that are attached to their backs. These platforms are made from advanced, lightweight materials and are equipped with small engines that allow the camels to move at high speeds across the desert.
The platforms serve as both homes and transportation for the camels. They are equipped with basic amenities, such as sleeping quarters, kitchens, and storage, as well as advanced technologies, such as solar panels and communication systems.
The camels use these platforms to move quickly and efficiently across the desert, carrying their communities with them wherever they go. They are a powerful and respected species on Aridus, feared by their enemies and admired by their allies.
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can you update it to have the camels be hardy pack animals rode be the lizardfolk and possum folk of the desert
Sure, here is an updated version of the sci-fi fantasy lore for the camels:
In a distant future, the planet known as Aridus is a harsh and unforgiving place, with vast deserts stretching as far as the eye can see. The only inhabitants of this harsh world are the hardy camels that roam the dunes, their long legs and powerful muscles allowing them to survive in the scorching heat.
But the camels of Aridus are no ordinary animals. Over the generations, they have evolved to become intelligent and self-aware beings, capable of communication and even basic technology. They live in small, nomadic communities, moving from one oasis to another in search of food and water.
The lizardfolk and possum folk of the desert are the only intelligent species that have managed to adapt to the harsh conditions of Aridus. They are skilled desert survivors, and they have formed a symbiotic relationship with the camels, using them as hardy pack animals to carry their communities across the desert.
The lizardfolk and possum folk have developed a unique form of transportation: large, sturdy platforms that are attached to the camels' backs. These platforms are made from advanced, lightweight materials and are equipped with small engines that allow the camels to move at high speeds across the desert.
The platforms serve as both homes and transportation for the lizardfolk and possum folk. They are equipped with basic amenities, such as sleeping quarters, kitchens, and storage, as well as advanced technologies, such as solar panels and communication systems.
The camels and their riders use these platforms to move quickly and efficiently across the desert, carrying their communities with them wherever they go. They are a powerful and respected force on Aridus, feared by their enemies and admired by their allies.
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can you replace the mentions of “only inhabitants” with some more interesting lore
Sure, here is some revised sci-fi fantasy lore for the camels of Aridus:
In a distant future, the planet known as Aridus is a harsh and unforgiving place, with vast deserts stretching as far as the eye can see. Among the only inhabitants of this harsh world are the hardy camels that roam the dunes, their long legs and powerful muscles allowing them to survive in the scorching heat.
But the camels of Aridus are no ordinary animals. Over the generations, they have evolved to become intelligent and self-aware beings, capable of communication and even basic technology. They live in small, nomadic communities, moving from one oasis to another in search of food and water.
The lizardfolk and possum folk of the desert are the only intelligent species that have managed to adapt to the harsh conditions of Aridus. They are skilled desert survivors, and they have formed a symbiotic relationship with the camels, using them as hardy pack animals to carry their communities across the desert.
However, the camels and their riders are not the only inhabitants of Aridus. The desert is also home to many other creatures, both sentient and non-sentient. Some of these creatures are friendly and peaceful, while others are dangerous and aggressive.
For example, the sand serpents are a feared species on Aridus. These massive, venomous creatures burrow deep beneath the sand, waiting to strike at unsuspecting prey. The camels and their riders must be constantly on the lookout for sand serpents, as well as other hazards such as sandstorms and heatstroke.
Despite the challenges, the camels and their riders are a resilient and resourceful species, and they have carved out a unique and fascinating culture on the unforgiving planet of Aridus.
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what would stats for the camels be as a CR 7 animal
Here are some potential stats for a camel as a CR 7 animal:
  • Hit Points: 84 (8d10+40)
  • Speed: 40 ft., climb 20 ft., swim 20 ft.
  • Armor Class: 14 (natural armor)
  • Strength: 22 (+6)
  • Dexterity: 10 (+0)
  • Constitution: 20 (+5)
  • Intelligence: 6 (-2)
  • Wisdom: 14 (+2)
  • Charisma: 8 (-1)
Camel traits:
  • Trampling Charge. If the camel moves at least 20 feet straight toward a creature and then hits it with a hooves attack on the same turn, that target must succeed on a DC 14 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone. If the target is prone, the camel can make one bite attack against it as a bonus action.
  • Sure-Footed. The camel has advantage on Strength and Dexterity saving throws made against effects that would knock it prone.
  • Hooves. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d6+4) bludgeoning damage.
  • Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d8+4) piercing damage.
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can you give that in an easy to copy format
Sure, here are the stats for the camel in an easy-to-copy format: